
Average score 1872 Reviews
Michelle Osiowski noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Always a pleasure to go to this restaurant with family and children (Original) Toujours un plaisir d aller dans ce restaurant avec famille et enfants

8 months ago
So O-o noted on Google

8 months ago
floriane guibelin noted on Google

8 months ago
Laetitia Giugno noted on Google

8 months ago
nawel kebbache noted on Google

8 months ago
J.-Claude Neubrand noted on Google

8 months ago
laurent fodera noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Regarding what we eat in an Asian restaurant, no surprises but it remains above average....on the other hand that evening I was extremely hot that I had to cut my meal short because I couldn't do more. ... (Original) Relatif a ce qu'on mange dans une restaurant asiatique,aucune surprise mais cela reste au dessus de la moyenne ....par contre ce soir là j'ai eu extremement chaud que j'ai du abrégé mon repas tellement je pouvais plus....

8 months ago
Virginie M. noted on Google

(Translated by Google) We love ! Lots of choice in this buffet, there really is something for everyone. Without forgetting the dessert buffet with always plenty of good delicacies. (Original) On adore ! Beaucoup de choix dans ce buffet, il y en a vraiment pour tous les goûts. Sans oublier le buffet des desserts avec toujours plein de bonnes gourmandises.

8 months ago
Lora Pur noted on Google

9 months ago
Marc Thomas noted on Google

(Translated by Google) GOOD (Original) Bien

9 months ago

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